Jan 26, 2009

Altura Capital launches the first Global Information, Research, Data and Networking Platform for Emerging Managers

Altura Capital Group, a new York Based firm specialized in providing Institutional research and product solutions in the emerging manager category, has teamed up with a group of large institutional investors to develop a robust and comprehensive information, research and data platform with a networking component, that will bridge existing access to information and research gaps in the emerging and diverse asset manager space. Founding subscribers include the Comptroller of the City of New York, the California State Teachers’ Retirement System CalSTRS, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System CalPERS and the Illinois Sate Board of Investments ISBI. The subscription-based platform will be available to institutional investors around the globe by August of 2008. The nationwide and global network will provide institutional investors and small and emerging financial services firms the ability to collaborate and access research and information in an unprecedented manner. Market intelligence, best practices, programs and information sharing will be centralized in one comprehensive Platform.

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Jan 20, 2009

The regulatory climate for hedge funds

Hedge fund managers anticipate increased regulation under the new presidential administration with the majority of senior partners at US firms expecting rising compliance costs making hedge funds more costly to operate. Over 98% of senior hedge fund managers reported that the new US presidential administration is likely to increase regulation of the hedge fund industry, according to the survey. An overwhelming majority also suggested that associated compliance costs will make hedge funds more costly to operate, with over 80% of respondents in agreement. While just over 75% of participants suggest that the overall impact of the new administration will be negative, most reported that increased regulation will not lead to more fund closures or fewer start-ups. It’s a generally accepted behavioural concept that uncertainty creates negative emotions. The financial services industry in particular has always been leery of the unknown, as uncertainty magnifies risk. Consequently, we expected our findings to show a degree of scepticism regarding the new administration and its regulatory agenda. The election’s focus on the economy left many with the impression that regulatory reform will be a priority for the new regime. While the scope of these efforts is not yet defined, it is apparent that the hedge fund industry believes that regulatory action is on the horizon.

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Jan 8, 2009

What Next for the Hedge Fund Industry?

Special to AllAboutAlpha.com by: Peter Douglas, CAIA, Founder, GFIA pte.
The future will (not ‘may’) hold many surprises, and some could make a huge difference to our world view. However, here are our thoughts on how the hedge fund world may pan out over the next 2-3 years.

In summary, the hedge fund world will (i) see higher returns (ii) see strong new manager formation (iii) be dominated by small boutique managers (iv) have relatively few very large funds.

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