Nov 23, 2010

Hedge fund industry commentary

The second quarter of 2010 was decidedly eventful with several political and economic issues coming to a climax. The quarter began with cautious optimism for continued recovery, and ended with renewed discussions of a double-dip scenario and an "unusual uncertainty" as described by Mr. Bernanke. The significant events of the quarter included Eurozone sovereign debt rating downgrades, a joint rescue of Greece by the EU and the IMF, amounting to USD1T, additional tightening in China through a hike in bank reserve requirements (the third this year), the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Australia's Resource Super Profit Tax which culminated in the Prime Minister's resignation, Germany's ban on naked short selling, and China's indication of exchange rate fleswissHedge flexibility. While Western developed countries focused on deleveraging and fiscal consolidation without hindering economic growth, the focus in Asian emerging economies is on preventing inflation and overheating. In the US, companies reported healthy profits and built up record-breaking cash reserves but remained reluctant to increase employment or investments.

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