Sep 22, 2008

Caliburn Capital Partners : Thriving at the frontiers of investment

A scaleable research engine - In the start-up phase Caliburn Capital’s partners brought in two PhDs and an aeronautical engineer with a risk management background to build quantitative models. They wanted their quantitative tools to be high-end, and they are: "our quant capabilities are shared only by a couple of the largest funds of funds businesses," asserts Rowlands. They were using statistical tools that were more typical of the proprietary trading desk of an investment bank according to the Caliburn Capital CEO: "these tools were more sophisticated and more relevant to the assets to which we have exposure than others available and more widely used." Continues Rowlands, "the head of quant will tell you that he spends a lot of his time trying to move the quantitative agenda on – twelve months ago they thought they were market-leaders in their use of quantitative tools. We have certainly moved a long way from the souvenirs of the long only industry such as the Sharpe ratio and Sortino ratio. Now people are catching up and we have to continue to work to move the quantitative agenda on. We want to stay at the leading edge of quantitative practice."

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