Sep 29, 2008

Prime brokers : BNP Paribas Securities Services

It has been obvious to hedge fund commentators for a long time now that the industry is changing. It is becoming more institutional, both in the way that hedge fund firms operate and in terms of the sources of the capital they manage. This is having a profound effect on day-to-day business practices and, in turn, is also changing the way hedge funds are serviced.

In the driving seat of this revolution are large, institutional investors, attracted to hedge funds by the prospect of absolute returns and a more active approach to money management. At the same time, they are not prepared to compromise on service standards, and expect fund managers, and their service providers, to deliver the same levels of service and accuracy that they would expect to receive from a large mutual fund structure. This is tough if you are relying on a small, boutique hedge fund administrator to deliver your NAVs. In recent years, we have been witness to a number of landmark deals that have seen major investment banks buying up many of the independent administrators that have been active in the hedge fund space in an effort to tap into the perceived growth in the asset class. The rationale has been to match the scale and infrastructural quality of a major international bank with the specialist knowledge and client base of a boutique administrator. There are, however, other approaches.

One such is represented by BNP Paribas, the major French bank which has been gradually building up its presence in the hedge fund world via a number of avenues, including its Securities Services arm. Other acquisitions for the bank in the alternative investments arena have included fund of hedge funds manager Fauchier Partners, and Bank of America’s prime broking operation. The bank is obviously coming into the hedge fund sector from a variety of different directions, and in all cases, employing its already extensive experience in operations, markets and instruments to give itself an edge.

As a group, BNP Paribas already enjoys considerable scale, with a presence in over 85 countries, 163,000 staff and the additional benefit of an AA+ credit rating. It is hard, in the current climate, to underestimate the value of being the highest rated securities services provider in the world. “We actually had an upgrade during the crisis,” says Maria Cantillon, Global Head of Business Development at BNP Paribas Securities Services (BPSS). “In the hedge fund world, where historically credit rating was not a top priority on a hedge fund manager’s radar, from an investment perspective they now need a credible minimum in their prospectus. Having an AA-rated bank, and a bank that can do prime broking, finance and leverage with that credit rating, brings additional gravitas.”

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