Sep 7, 2008

PerTrac Research Confirms That Emerging Hedge Fund Managers Outperform Older, Larger Funds

PerTrac Financial Solutions today announced the results of its updated Emerging Manager Study, originally released in March 2007, confirming again the widely held belief that emerging hedge funds perform better than older, larger funds. The company makes the popular PerTrac Analytical Platform, the world’s leading investment analysis and asset allocation software.“Our original study, released early last year, asserted that smaller, younger hedge funds outperform larger, older hedge funds, based on research spanning January 1996 to July 2006,” said Meredith Jones, managing director of PerTrac. “The new study, which includes data through December 2007, confirms the original results.” Data was compiled and analyzed using the PerTrac Analytical Platform software application.Two different analyses were completed: one based on fund asset size, and one based on fund age. In each analysis, funds were re-categorized each month from January 1996 through December 2007 into one of three size groups: up to $100 million; over $100 million and up to $500 million; and over $500 million. They were also categorized into one of three age groups: up to 2 years; 2 to 4 years; and over 4 years. The mean fund return was calculated for each group in each month, creating three size-based monthly indexes and three age-based monthly indexes. Various risk and return statistics were calculated on the returns of each index to evaluate historical performance while Monte Carlo simulations were run on each index to indicate probable ranges of future returns and drawdowns.

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